TTC dictionary

If, like me you found out you were having problems conceiving, went to the doctor who diagnosed it, and then you ventured out into the ether to Google it, you may have found yourself lost down the rabbit hole that is the 'trying to conceive' language.  So here is a little list to help you decode it all:

AF - Aunt Flo (menstruation)
AMH - Anti-Mullerian hormone
BC - Birth Control
BD - Baby dance (sex)
BFN - Big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP - Big fat positive (pregnancy test)
CD - Cycle Day
DPO - Days past ovulation
FSH - Follicle Stimulating hormone
HCG - Human chorionic gonadotropin
HPT - Home pregnancy test
HSG - Hysterosalpinogram (x ray test to check fallopian tubes)
IUI - Intrauterine insemination
IVF - In vitro fertilisation
LH - Luteinising hormone
OPK - Ovulation predictor kit
POAS - Peeing on a stick (ie pregnancy/ovulation tests)
TTC- Trying to conceive
US - Ultrasound
2WW - The two week wait between ovulation and pregnancy testing

I'm sure there are loads more so will post them as I remember!

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